Links, Visitors & Credits

Website Credits

cccbrRedSmall: University Bell RingingThe old Public Relations Committee (Central Council of Church Bell Ringers – CCCBR) put together this website to promote and provide a small snapshot into university bell ringing societies & guilds:

  • Jacqueline Brown: created & maintains website, undertook research, set up social networking accounts & promotes University Ringing on social networking sites.

A workgroup for: Young Ringers – Universities and Colleges, also with the CCCBR, now exists to help continue this work to promote university & college ringing.

Tours for Young Bell Ringers

Publications & Records

  • Ringing Targets:
    …it was decided we should celebrate & recognise other milestones. To this end, this website contains a number of “challenges”, “firsts” or “targets” – hence the [website] name.
  • Useful Bell Ringing LinksThe Ringing World:
    The Ringing World is a weekly magazine produced by ringers, for ringers, about ringers and bell ringing.
  • Bell Board (RW):
    Submitting and browsing ringing records is quick and easy on BellBoard – you can also confirm performances for print publication in The Ringing World.
  • Ringing World recorded Peals:
    …lists all peals rung since 1985.
  • Peal Base:
    search ringer, tower, year
  • Online Dove’s guide to towers & bells:
    the authoritative source for current information about rings of bells since the first printed edition appeared in 1950.
  • Central Council of Church Bellringers:
    The Council is the representative body for all who ring bells in the English tradition with rope and wheel, the majority of whom practise the art of change ringing.
  • Bellringing Books by Steve Coleman:
    All beautifully bound and printed, hardback books each containing 430 pages of advice, information and help. They’re all written in Steve’s easy-to-read, enjoyable and exceptionally clear style – and in case you are wondering, there are no swaps.
  • Blueline – Robert Wallis:
    …contains various tools and bits of information of interest to bellringers

Ringing Resources